Chemical Peel Treatment

Home Skin Care Treatments in Dubai Chemical Peel Treatment
Last updated on: May 29, 2024
Chemical Peel Treatment

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure where chemical solutions are applied to your skin to remove its top layers. The new skin surface that emerges is smoother, rejuvenated, and shows fewer signs of aging. While commonly performed on the face to improve wrinkles, scars, and discoloration, chemical peels can also be applied to other areas of the body.

The number of chemical peeling sessions depends on the problem being treated and the depth of the chemical peel. Treatment with light or medium peels typically requires multiple sessions, while deep chemical peel is generally performed only once.

What Are The Types Of Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are chiefly divided into three types:

  • Superficial or light peels
  • Medium peels
  • Deep peels

Superficial Peels

Superficial or light chemical peel targets the topmost skin layer (epidermis). It is mostly performed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and dryness. It may even help treat acne.

Superficial peels are typically performed using alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), which may include:

  • Glycolic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Tartaric acid
  • Malic acid

Light peels are sometimes performed using Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs). The type of BHA commonly used in this regard is salicylic acid.

Medium Peels

Medium peels target the epidermis and a portion of the middle skin layer (dermis). They are commonly used for treating uneven skin tone, acne scars, and wrinkles. It may also be used to treat dark underarms.

The chemical solution typically used in medium peels is trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Sometimes, TCA peels may be preceded by a light peel with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic acid, for a more uniform penetration of TCA.

Deep Peels

Deep chemical peeling removes cells from the deeper skin layers. This option is generally prescribed for treating deep wrinkles, scars, and it may even help treat precancerous growths.

The chemical solution used in deep peeling treatments is Carbolic acid, also called Phenol.

Who Are Good Candidates For Chemical Peels?

While chemical peels are suitable for most people due to their availability in varying intensities. They can be effective for various skin types, but outcomes may vary based on individual skin characteristics.

It’s crucial to consult a dermatologist to discuss your suitability for a chemical peel if you have any of the following conditions:

  • A history of abnormal scarring on your skin.
  • Dark skin tone.
  • A tendency to experience pigmentation changes in scars.
  • Any condition or medication that increases your skin sensitivity.
  • A recent history of acne medication use.

What Are The Benefits Of Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels can address various skin problems, some of which are discussed below:

  • They May Help Treat Acne: Light and medium peels may be effective in treating acne and reduce the risk of breakouts by unclogging pores, decreasing oil production, eliminating p.acnes bacteria, and reducing inflammation.
  • They May Reduce Acne scars: Chemical peels can exfoliate the top skin layer, reducing the appearance of different types of scars. They may also stimulate collagen production, potentially making raised, hypertrophic, and atrophic scars less visible.
  • They May Help With Rosacea Symptoms: Some chemical peels might be beneficial for mild to moderate rosacea
  • They Help Lessen The Impact Of Skin Aging: Chemical peels can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, age spots, rough texture, skin dryness, and liver spots.
  • They Can Reduce Hyperpigmentation: Chemical peels may help reduce hyperpigmentation, improving your complexion. Forms of hyperpigmentation commonly treated with chemical peels include freckles, uneven skin tone, sun damage, and melasma.
  • They Help Eliminate Precancerous Growths: Actinic keratosis, a precancerous growth, can be removed with deep chemical peels, reducing the skin cancer risk.

How Is A Chemical Peel Performed?

The chemical peel procedure is performed in a clinical setting or outpatient surgical facility, depending on the type of peeling solution chosen. Before starting the procedure, the dermatologist will clean the treatment area, cover your eyes with goggles, and protect your hair.

You usually won’t need a numbing solution or anesthesia for a light chemical peel. However, before performing a medium peel, the doctor will give you a painkiller and sedative to help you relax during the procedure. For deep peels, the most intensive type, you will receive a sedative, a numbing solution, and IV fluids.

The chemical peel procedure can vary from case to case, typically based on the peeling solution used. Below is a brief explanation of the steps involved in light, medium, and deep chemical peels.

Light Chemical Peel Procedure

  • The doctor applies a chemical solution containing glycolic or salicylic acid using a brush, sponge, or gauze. This will cause whitening of the treated area.
  • The peeling solution may cause a mild stinging sensation, which is not generally much painful.
  • After some time, the doctor will apply a neutralizing solution or remove the peeling solution by washing it.

Medium Chemical Peel Procedure

  • The doctor will apply a solution containing trichloroacetic acid, sometimes combined with glycolic acid, to the treatment area using gauze or a cotton-tipped applicator. This will cause the skin to whiten.
  • After a few minutes of application, the doctor will apply a cold compress to the treated area. They may also give you a hand-held fan to soothe the treated skin. Medium peels do not usually need neutralizing.
  • Medium peels may cause a burning and stinging sensation lasting up to 20 minutes.

Deep Chemical Peel Procedure

  • The doctor will apply Phenol to your skin using a cotton-tipped applicator. This will result in the treated skin turning white or gray.
  • They will likely perform this procedure in portions to limit your skin exposure to Phenol. These portions are spaced 15 minutes apart. Hence, the deep chemical peel procedure may last about 90 minutes for the entire face.

Post-Treatment: What to Expect and Aftercare

When performed by expert dermatologists and practitioners, chemical peel treatment should be safe and cause fewer complications. Here are a few things you must remember after getting treated with chemical peels.

  • Chemical peels may cause side effects, which are generally temporary and typically manageable. They may include tingling, burning, redness, irritation, and mild swelling in the treated region.
  • Your skin may begin to peel several days after the treatment, depending on the type of peel and individual skin response. When that happens, the treated skin area may seem similar to that affected by sunburn. It is crucial to avoid pulling or picking at the peeling skin to prevent scarring.
  • Chemical peels trigger mild reactions in most cases. However, it is essential to be vigilant with your skincare throughout the recovery duration. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions on how to care for your skin.
  • Your doctor may advise avoiding makeup and other cosmetic products for 1-2 weeks to prevent irritation.
  • It is essential not to expose your treated skin area to the sun for a period specified by your dermatologist. You will likely be advised to apply sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30 or above before going out.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and high temperatures for at least two weeks to prevent the worsening of what could have been mild and temporary side effects.

Cost of Chemical Peels

The average starting cost of chemical peels in Dubai is AED 475. The exact cost of the treatment may vary from person to person, depending on the following factors:

  • Type of chemical peel used for the treatment
  • The type and extent of the skin issue being treated
  • The practitioner’s expertise and qualifications
  • Geographic location and reputation of the clinic or treatment facility

Who should avoid chemical peels?

Your doctor may not prescribe you a chemical peel if you:

  • Have been taking oral isotretinoin for the past six months.
  • Have a personal or family history of keloid scars.
  • Have a history of severe or frequent cold sore outbreaks.
  • Are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or nursing.

How often should I get chemical peels?

The frequency of chemical peels depends on the type of peel, the condition of the skin, and the desired outcome. Superficial peels can often be repeated every 2-4 weeks, while medium peels are generally done 6-12 months apart, and deep peels are usually performed only once. You can get more specific details about the required number of sessions and their frequency with a qualified dermatologist.

Can I get results after one chemical peel?

Results can vary; some may notice improvements after one treatment, while others may require multiple sessions. After the first session, many individuals notice an improved skin tone, reduced appearance of acne and acne scars, and a smoother skin texture.

What Is A Cosmelan Peel?

A Cosmelan peel is a specific type of topical treatment aimed at reducing brown patches and skin discolorations. This treatment aims to reduce melanin concentrations, potentially leading to a brighter and more even skin tone.

Our Doctors

Nicole Zysk
Medical Aesthetician
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For more information regarding chemical peels in Dubai, visit our clinic today. Our experts at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic will guide you about the treatment and its benefits in detail. We offer an initial consultation to all our patients. You just need to fill in the form given below and we will book your appointment for consultation as soon as possible.

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