Laser Scar Removal in Dubai

Home Laser Treatments in Dubai Laser Scar Removal in Dubai
Last updated on: November 29, 2023
Laser Scar Removal in Dubai

Laser scar removal is a non-surgical procedure that uses an intense beam of light to reduce the appearance of a scar. Depending on the laser type, this beam ablates or creates holes in the scar’s surface. The resultant tissue damage stimulates collagen production and cell regeneration, promoting a newer, smoother skin layer that overcomes the scar’s visibility.

What Are The Causes Of Scars?

A scar is formed when the body recovers from an injury. Many factors can lead to skin injuries, such as surgery, accidents, acne, burns, and various diseases.

When an injury penetrates the underlying skin layer called the dermis, the body accelerates collagen formation to repair the damage. In most cases, this process leads to collagen overproduction, causing a bulk of tissue to be formed over the injury or wound. This often leads to a prominent scar appearance.

What Are The Signs Of A Scar?

Here are the common sign and  symptoms of scars:

  • A scar may initially appear red or pink when it develops on lighter-toned skin. Over time, it changes color and becomes lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.
  • A scar on dark skin may appear as a dark spot.
  • Scars can be tender, painful, or itchy, depending on their type and stage of healing.

The appearance of a scar may depend on the following factors

  • Type of injury or event that led to the scar formation, such as a cut, acne, burn, or other infections.
  • Severity, location, and size of the wound or injury.
  • The treatment administered for wound or injury care, such as bandages or stitching.
  • Other factors like genetics, age, race, and immune response.

Types of Scars

Scars can have many forms and types, depending on their root causes. The most common types include the following:

  • Fine-line scars: These scars appear as raised lines when a wound or cut heals and usually fade or flatten with time. They usually occur over a surgical incision or a cut caused by a sharp object. These scars do not usually cause pain but may remain itchy for some time.
  • Keloid scars: These scars occur due to tissue overgrowth caused by collagen overproduction in the wounded area. A keloid scar may continue to grow even after the wound has healed. It appears as a raised tissue above the skin’s surface and can be darker, red, pink, or the same color as the surrounding skin.
  • Hypertrophic scars: Hypertrophic scars, like keloids, occur due to collagen overgrowth at the wound’s site. However, unlike keloids, they remain within the wound’s boundary. They can continue to grow thick for anywhere between six months and a few years.
  • Sunken or pitted scars: These scars usually occur when the skin recovers from an acne breakout or chickenpox. They may also occur when an injury causes underlying fat loss in the affected area. Due to their pitted appearance, they are also called atrophic scars.
  • Scar contractures: Burns can cause the skin to shrink, leading to scar contractures in the affected area.

How Are The Scars Diagnosed?

Scars are easily identifiable due to their appearance and feel. You can monitor the skin area healed from an injury or infection yourself and track the tissue formation. This formation’s pinker, lighter, or darker appearance compared to the surrounding skin indicates that it is a scar.

You can also get your scar physically examined in a clinical setting. The doctor will analyze the scar’s texture, size, and color during this test to determine its type. Based on the findings, they will recommend appropriate treatment.

Laser Scar Reduction Procedure

Your doctor will choose the most suitable laser treatment during the initial consultation. Depending on your needs or preferences, they may use one of the following types of lasers for scar removal.

  • Fractional CO2 laser
  • ND: YAG (long-pulsed 1064-nm)
  • Q-switched ND: YAG
  • Pulsed-dye laser (PDL)
  • Non-ablative fractional laser

The procedure of laser scar removal may involve the following steps:

  • The doctor will clean the scar and the surrounding skin and administer local anesthesia or apply a numbing cream to prevent discomfort caused by the laser.
  • They will give you protective goggles to protect your eyes, especially for facial scars treatment.
  • The healthy skin around the scar will be covered with gauze or a wet towel to protect it from laser impact.
  • The laser technician or the doctor will direct laser energy at the scar. This process will involve multiple passes of the laser beam. They may apply a water solution or colling ointment between passes to soothe the skin.

Laser Scar Removal Aftercare

The goal of laser scar removal aftercare is to prevent scab formation and infection, manage discomfort, promote healing, and achieve the best possible aesthetic outcome. For this purpose, the doctor will likely apply a bandage to the treated region and ask you not to remove it for 24 hours. You may also be advised to:

  • Clean the treated region with a saline solution 2-5 times a day. Consult your doctor before using any other solutions like diluted vinegar.
  • Use a healing ointment, such as Aquaphor or Eucerin.

What Is The Recovery Like After Laser Scar Removal?

The recovery time after laser scar removal can last 5-21 days, depending on the severity of the scar and the laser type. The treated region may remain red for a few months, even after healing.

Other Treatments for Scar Removal

Besides laser therapy, various options and methods are available for scar removal or reduction. Some of them are as follows:

Laser Scar Reduction Cost

The average starting cost of laser scar removal in Dubai can be around AED 1000. The exact price of the treatment can vary from case to case, depending on the following factors:

  • Type of laser used for the treatment
  • The size of the treatment area
  • Number of treatment sessions
  • Expertise and skill of the practitioner
  • Geographic location and reputation of the treatment facility or clinic

Laser Scar Removal FAQs

How can silicone products reduce the appearance of scars?

Silicone gel and sheets increase the hydration of the uppermost skin layer by improving the regulation of fibroblast production. This helps increase the skin’s plumpness and softness and allows it to breathe, reducing the appearance of the scar. According to research, silicone products are particularly helpful in improving the appearance of keloid scars.

How do you get rid of old scars?

The most common options for treating old and deep scars include:

  • Laser therapy
  • Dermabrasion
  • Excision
  • Skin grafts

Can scars be removed?

Although numerous treatments can significantly diminish the appearance of scars, complete eradication is generally not achievable. Only a dermatologist can tell which treatment option would help you get flawless-looking skin.

Can a laser remove a scar completely?

No, laser treatment won’t remove a scar entirely. However, it can make the scar almost invisible. Moreover, laser therapy can help prevent a raised scar from growing thick and reduce the associated itching or pain.

Our Dermatologists

Nicole Zysk
Medical Aesthetician
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Get A Consultation

You should consult with your doctor before undergoing laser scar removal treatment in Dubai. Here, at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, we have made it quite easier for you. You can consult with our experts by filling out the form given below and getting your appointment fixed. All of our doctors are board-certified and help you in understanding the treatment. So, schedule your consultation now!

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