Lower Body Lift in Dubai

Home Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery Lower Body Lift in Dubai
Last updated on: January 2, 2024
Lower Body Lift in Dubai

A lower body lift, also known as Belt Lipectomy, is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the lower body by removing excess skin and fat. The sagging skin can result from aging, rapid weight gain, or loss. A lower body lift surgery improves the contours and tightens the skin of the buttocks, hips, abdomen, waistline, and thighs.

Lower Body Lift Goals

A lower body lift surgery aims to;

  • Sculpt the lower body areas including; abdomen, buttocks, hips, waistline and thighs.
  • Re-position the underlying skin tissues.
  • Tighten the skin.

Lower Body Lift Candidates

You may consider a lower body lift in Dubai if;

  • You have experienced significant weight loss, resulting in loose and sagging skin.
  • You have excess fat deposits in the lower body that are resistant to diet and exercise.
  • You have excess skin tissues in the lower body.
  • You should be at a stable weight that is close to your ideal weight.
  • You do not have uncontrolled chronic medical conditions.
  • You have realistic expectations from the surgery.

Pre-Op Preparation

Your plastic surgeon will provide a list of instructions to follow in preparation for the surgery. Some of these common instructions include the following;

  • Follow a healthy diet regimen by incorporating more protein into your diet.
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications, as advised by your surgeon.

Lower Body Lift Procedure

A Belt Lipectomy procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The treatment area is marked. Then, the plastic surgeon makes incisions in these areas, trims excess skin and fat, and repositions the underlying tissues. The surgeon closes the incisions after making the necessary alterations. The treated area is dressed with bandages.

Lower Body Lift Recovery

The recovery period after a lower body lift in Dubai may vary from patient to patient depending on their health and the treatment plan.

  • You may experience discomfort and pain during the initial 3 to 4 days after the surgery, which can be managed with medications.
  • Drainage tubes will be placed under the skin for a few days.
  • Stitches are typically removed after a week or more, depending on your healing process.

Post-Op Care

As you are given a list of instructions before the surgery, you will be given a list of instructions after the surgery as well.

  • Rest well for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid performing any strenuous tasks during the recovery period.
  • Properly manage the drainage tubes and bandages as instructed by your surgeon.
  • Maintain a healthy diet regimen.
  • Follow prescribed medications regularly.


A lower body lift surgery results in a toned and well-contoured lower body. The results are long-lasting but not necessarily permanent, as aging and weight fluctuations can affect them. To maintain the results, it’s important to adhere to a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen.

Our Surgeon

Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Funk
Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon
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Dr. Federico Di Francesco MD
Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
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Free Consultation

If you are considering Belt Lipectomy surgery in Dubai, you can book a consultation at our clinic to discuss the procedure with an expert surgeon. Complete the provided form to schedule a free consultation, where you can discuss all aspects of the treatment, including costs.

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