Intimate Surgery

Home Intimate Surgery
Last updated on: November 30, 2022
Intimate Surgery

As cosmetic surgery continues to demolish social taboos, female intimate surgery has become the last frontier. Not many women are comfortable talking about or seeking medical help for imperfections in their private regions. Most women are not only horribly shy about it due to psychological, cultural, or religious reasons but also firmly believe that there is no solution to any ugliness that they hide “down there”. However, this is not true, cosmetic surgery has introduced many intimate surgeries that can help you get rid of those imperfections.

Mentioned below are some major intimate surgeries available at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.

Juliet Laser Machine

The modern laser machine’s Erbium Yag technology is mainly used to stimulate collagen and tissue growth within the vagina that helps combat vaginal laxity syndromes and weak urinary muscles among other afflictions.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is a non-reconstructive intimate plastic surgery in which the aesthetics of the vagina and muscle tone is restored. It surgically removes excess skin in the vulva region while tightening the shape of the vagina to reverse the effects of age and childbirth.

Labiaplasty Treatment

In this intimate surgery, the procedure is carried out using traditional tools and sometimes contemporary laser devices. Labiaplasty reshapes the vaginal lips in women whose labia have undergone excessive extension and have become unshapely.

Vaginal Tightening

Also known as vaginoplasty, it can be performed both surgical and non-surgically. Nowadays, we make use of a laser that stimulates collagen growth and tightens muscles within the vaginal wall. Surgery may also be made on the exterior shape of the vagina to actually make it look and feel tighter.

Clitoral Hoodectomy

The clitoris in women is an integral part of their sexual life. Naturally, it is covered in a fold of skin known as the clitoris hood. Due to childbirth, age or genetic reasons the hood may become excessive in size resulting in a bad self-image, poor sexual reception, and disproportionate shape. It can be corrected by a minor surgical procedure in which the skin is trimmed and the aesthetic shape of the vulva is improved.

Laser Vaginal & Anal Bleaching

Due to hormonal changes and hereditary factors, the genital area can become darker and stained. This pigmentation is regarded as unattractive on a personal level either by you or your partner. Therefore, laser vaginal or anal bleaching surgery is purely elective. With the laser, collagen is induced to grow again and replace the older tissues. Also, anal bleaching can help you maintain a whiter genital area that can be more pleasing in your/your partner’s opinion.

G-Spot Enhancement

In this minimally invasive procedure, an injectable of Hyaluronic acid is injected into the G-spot area of the patient to extend it and allow for greater sexual gratification. Hyaluronic acid is synthesized both by the body and in the laboratory, and the results last for 4-6 months.

Perineoplasty Treatment

The area of tissue between the vagina and the rectum is also known as the perineum. It can sometimes be scarred and damaged mostly due to childbirth or rectal collapse. Even when healed the scars lead to dis-figuration and loss of feeling in those regions during sex. Usually carried along with vaginoplasty or labiaplasty, perineoplasty repairs the damaged shape, removes scar tissue, re-grows healthy tissue, tightens the muscles, and enhances the overall shape. It can also be carried out alone.

Get A Consultation

Do take note that all these procedures are mostly carried out together whilst sometimes surgery can be avoided completely. For instance, when the vagina is in good shape, all it needs is tightening or a G-shot. Do consult with our surgeons before getting any intimate surgery in Dubai since it involves sensitive parts of your body.

Fill in our short consultation form and find out which procedures you need the most. Discussing your hopes and worries with a female surgeon can also help many women in accepting and treat their bodies better. So book your consultation today and don’t worry anymore!

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