Eyelid Surgery in Dubai

Last updated on: November 29, 2024
Eyelid Surgery in Dubai

Eyelid surgery, also known as Blepharoplasty, is a procedure to improve eye aesthetics. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat around the eyes. Not only does it enhance the appearance of your eyes, but it can also restore the field of vision by removing obstructing eyelid tissue.

Are You a Good Candidate?

You may be a good candidate for eyelid surgery in Dubai if you:


  • Have excess skin, fat, and stretched-out muscles on your upper or lower eyelids.
  • Have bags under your eyes.
  • Have droopy upper eyelids.
  • Have a restricted field of view.
  • Are 30 years or older.
  • Are healthy with no serious or chronic health conditions.
  • Have realistic expectations from the surgery.

Eyelid Surgery Benefits

There are several benefits of blepharoplasty, such as:

  • A younger, more rejuvenated eye appearance
  • A less tired, alert look
  • Improved self-confidence
  • An improved field of view
  • Less scarring that is also discreet
  • Long-lasting results

Eyelid Surgery Techniques

Blepharoplasty Dubai can be performed using various techniques which include:


  • Upper eyelid surgery: It is performed on the upper eyelids to remove the sagging skin, excess fat, and lines. It typically involves an incision along the eyelid’s fold.
  • Lower eyelid surgery: This procedure helps remove puffiness, fine lines, and under-eye bags. The surgeon makes an incision in the natural crease below the eyelash and removes or repositions fat under the skin. They may also remove some skin.
  • Combined upper and lower eyelid surgery: This refers to performing surgery on both the upper and lower eyelids at the same time, known as combined blepharoplasty.

Steps Involved in the Eyelid Surgery Procedure

Blepharoplasty is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s requirements or preferences.

  • Once the anesthetic comes into effect, the surgeon makes an incision.
  • Then, they remove or readjust the target tissue, as per the patient’s requirements.
  • Once the target tissue is removed, the incision is closed.

To support the eyelids, the surgeon will likely place sticky suture strips. These are usually removed after a week.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

After surgery, you will have bruising and swelling in the treated area, which usually persists for 1-3 weeks. Bruising usually goes away after two weeks, while swelling subsides in 1-3 months.

Keep the treated area away from direct sunlight exposure to ensure smooth recovery. Also, avoid any strain or force on the surgical incisions. You will get specific post-treatment care instructions from your doctor before leaving the clinic.


The final results of blepharoplasty may occur in a few months after surgery. However, you will likely feel ready to resume your social and occupational routine in 10-15 days. This primarily depends on whether you want people to know about your surgery.

Eyelid surgery results are long-lasting but not immune to aging. However, with adequate sun protection, you can maintain these results for a long time.

Before and After Results

The results of Blepharoplasty (lower eyelid blepharoplasty, double eyelid surgery & upper eyelid surgery) are refreshing and give a youthful appearance to your eyes. No Guarantee, as the results may vary from person to person.

How much does eyelid surgery cost in Dubai?

The average starting cost of blepharoplasty in Dubai is AED 8000. The cost of eyelid surgery varies based on factors like surgeon expertise, clinic location, and the specific requirements of the procedure. It’s best to consult with a surgeon for an accurate estimate.

Alternate Treatments

Non-surgical options that eradicate visible signs of aging around the eyes are also available. These options are:


  • Botox injections – Botox, a muscle relaxant, is injected at specific sites around the eyes to reduce lines and wrinkles. It helps reduce aging signs around the eyes.
  • Injectable fillers – These are substances injected around the eyes to smooth out fine lines.
  • Fat injections – This procedure involves transferring your own body fat from another area to under the eyes. It is designed to reduce the appearance of eye bags and enhance the overall look of the eyes.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Funk
Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon
View Profile
Dr. Federico Di Francesco MD
Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
View Profile

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Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic® is home to Dubai’s finest and highly expert aestheticians and cosmetic surgeons. For details, call us at +971 4 348 5575. You can also book a consultation online by filling out the form below.

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