P-Shot Treatment in Dubai

Last updated on: May 6, 2024

P-shot, or Priapus Shot, is a minimally invasive technique that helps improve erectile functions. It involves taking platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood and injecting it into your penis. The high concentration of growth factors in PRP helps to stimulate tissue growth and improve blood circulation in the penis, potentially improving the quality and longevity of erections.

What are the Uses of P-Shot Treatment?

P-shot is generally used to treat symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction by improving blood flow and inducing tissue regeneration. It may also help treat or improve symptoms of:

  • Premature ejaculation
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Reduced sexual performance and function
  • Decreased length and girth of the penis

Benefits of P-Shot Treatment

Benefits of P-Shot treatment may include the following:

  • Almost painless procedure
  • Firmer, easy-to-achieve, and longer-lasting erections
  • Increased penile length and girth
  • Improved penile shape
  • Improved sensitivity and pleasure

How does it work?

A P-Shot doesn’t actually work on the root cause of sexual dysfunction. However, it can allow your body to regain the control of responses to internal and external stimuli by:

  • Increasing blood flow in the penis
  • Repairing cells and tissues
  • Establishing new neural pathways that reinforce positive feedback

P-Shot Procedure

A P-shot is an outpatient procedure, meaning that you can go in, get treated, and walk out of the clinic right away.

The P-shot procedure may involve the following steps.

  • First, the doctor will numb the genital area by applying a numbing cream or local anesthetic.
  • They will take a blood sample from your veins and transfer it into a tube.
  • The blood will be placed in a centrifuge for a few minutes to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from other blood components.
  • The doctor will then draw PRP into two syringes.
  • They will inject this PRP into the penile shaft using fine needles. Based on your treatment requirements, they may administer 4-5 injections. The procedure usually concludes in a few minutes.
  • As an additional step, the doctor may give you a penile pump to wear on the penis. This device will draw blood into your penis and help ensure that the injected PRP is evenly distributed in the target tissue.

Recovery and Aftercare

The entire P-shot procedure is safe and doesn’t generally result in severe complications. Post-treatment side effects like minor redness, swelling, and bruising may occur but usually subside in a few days. Overall, these side effects originate from the natural body response to injections and are not a cause of concern.

The post-procedure recovery is usually quick, and you won’t usually need downtime after the treatment. You may go ahead with your routine activities on the same day.

Nonetheless, you may need to avoid having sexual intercourse for the next couple of days to avoid infection in the injection sites. Furthermore, your doctor may advise limiting intense physical activities for a day or two to prevent sweating-induced irritation in the treatment area.

How much does P Shot cost in Dubai?

The cost of P-shot treatment in Dubai generally depends on the severity of the problem, treatment goals, and the patient’s preferences. You can book a consultation with our qualified practitioners for a close price estimate.

P-Shot Treatment FAQs

How soon are the P-Shot results visible?

It may depend on various factors, including overall health and sexual function. For a majority of people, the results appear in stages as follows:

24 hours: Improved sensation
2-3 months: Improved erections and increased sexual drive
3-4 months: More sustained, better quality erections and a noticeable improvement in penile length and girth

Does P-Shot treat Peyronie's disease?

While the P-Shot can help treat erectile dysfunction caused by Peyronie's disease, it is usually ineffective on penile plaque that causes Peyronie’s.

Are P-Shot Results permanent?

The short answer to this question is no; P-Shot doesn't provide a permanent fix for male sexual health problems. However, its results are more long-lasting than other treatments. Overall, this treatment offers a year of improved sexual functions.

Schedule a Consultation

Revitalize your intimate life with P-Shot at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. Book an appointment today by dialing +971 4 348 5575 or filling out the form below.

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