Chronic Prostatitis Treatment

Last updated on: January 4, 2022
Chronic Prostatitis Treatment

Chronic prostatitis refers to an inflammatory disorder of the prostate that continues for three months or longer. This condition is painful and may affect the ability to have sex and urinate. Reasons that may lead to chronic prostatitis include nerve damage and bacterial infection.

What is Chronic Prostatitis?

The prostate is a small gland in the lower part of the urinary tract. This gland surrounds the tube responsible for transporting urine and semen between the urethra and the bladder.

In other words, the prostate is a crucial gland that, if inflamed, can affect urination and sexual functions. This inflammation refers to prostatitis, which can be chronic or acute.

According to research, prostatitis is the primary reason for issues related to the urinary tract in men under 50 years of age. Moreover, this problem is the third most common urinary tract problem in men over 50.


Remember, determining the exact reason for prostatitis is crucial for an effective treatment. However, it may sometimes prove challenging to diagnose the reason for chronic prostatitis. The causes of chronic prostatitis usually belong to two categories.

Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis

Chronic bacterial prostatitis develops due to a bacterial infection of the prostate. Some people experience this condition after having a urinary tract infection. In some cases, acute bacterial prostatitis treatment itself leads to chronic bacterial prostatitis.

While antibiotics usually help treat chronic bacterial prostatitis, some people may not respond to this treatment. One of the reasons for antibiotics to be ineffective is a shorter treatment course. In some cases, the bacteria develop a biofilm similar to the sticky film formed on teeth. Such bacterial formations are harder to eliminate.

Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis

Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, can develop due to multiple reasons. People experiencing this condition are usually those with a bacterial infection in the prostate in the past.

Possible reasons for chronic non-bacterial prostatitis may include:

  • Mental stress or anxiety
  • Physical injury or surgery leading to damage to the urinary tract


The primary symptom of chronic prostatitis is a pain in the genital area or pelvis region. Some people experience gnawing pain, while some have intense or sharp pain. This pain can be recurrent or persistent.

The most common symptoms of chronic prostatitis are the following:

  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Painful urination
  • Overall difficulty urinating
  • Pain in the perineum
  • Discomfort in the lower back, penis, rectum, or testicles
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Fever, vomiting, chills, or nausea


If you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, be sure to seek help from your doctor as soon as you can. Remember, chronic bacterial prostatitis can grow inside your body and become more painful.

The doctor will first look at your medical history and may perform a rectal exam at the clinic.

During a rectal exam, the doctor will check for swelling and inflammation of your prostate by inserting a finger in your rectum. Other signs of infection they may look for are swollen lymph nodes and discharge from the penis.

The doctor may recommend antibiotic treatment if there is a bacterial infection. However, other tests might be necessary if the symptoms persist after antibiotic treatment or the condition is not bacterial. Those tests include:

  • Blood, semen, or urine testing to analyze the signs of infection
  • A prostate biopsy, carried out through a needle to extract a sample of prostate tissues
  • Ultrasound imaging of urethra or prostate
  • Cystoscopy to have an inside view of the urethra or bladder

Chronic Prostatitis FAQs

Is chronic prostatitis curable?

While several treatment options are available, some prostatitis types might remain unresponsive to those treatments. However, even incurable prostatitis is easily manageable through medications and other procedures. Moreover, prostatitis is not a risk factor for prostate cancer, contrary to what many people believe.

How long does chronic prostatitis last?

Prostatitis that lasts three months or more falls into the category of chronic prostatitis. This prostatitis can last a few months to a few years.

Is chronic prostatitis severe?

While symptoms of chronic prostatitis last longer than an acute condition, the chronic ailment is not generally life-threatening. Also, the symptoms of chronic prostatitis are mild. On the other hand, acute prostatitis occurs suddenly with severe symptoms and can be life-threatening.

What are the triggers for chronic prostatitis?

An initiated prostatitis can get triggered by several factors, including emotional problems and food intake. Other triggers include infrequent ejaculation, infection in the lower urinary tract, and dysfunctional urination.

Schedule a Consultation

Chronic prostatitis can affect the quality of life and so requires immediate medical attention. If you have this problem, visit Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. We have experienced andrologists who are highly skilled at treating all kinds of chronic prostatitis. So, book a consultation and reclaim your lost charm of life.

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