Is Laser Skin Whitening Permanent?

Laser Skin Whitening treatment

Laser skin whitening is also known as laser peel. It is a technique in which a concentrated beam of light (laser) is used to remove the damaged or unwanted skin from the body. The procedure is used for obtaining a lasting white skin. In this procedure, the upper layer of the skin is removed. Due to this removal, new cells are able to grow giving the person more fair skin.

Laser Skin Whitening

Laser skin whitening is usually permanent if the person who receives the treatment care for it well enough. There are three types of lasers used in laser skin whiting and surgeon with the patient’s consent will decide which one should be chosen for their treatment.

Non-ablative laser

This type of laser only affects the outer layer of skin but keeps the skin damage minimum. One can say that it doesn’t damage the skin. The downtime of this procedure is also minimum. However, more sessions are required for fairer skin.

Ablative laser

An ablative laser is the most intense laser that destroys the outer layers of skin and makes way for new skin to emerge. Such type of laser penetrates deeper into the skin. Due to the aggressiveness of this laser, there is a chance of scarring but fewer sessions are required for the desired results.

Fractional laser

Fraction laser uses both ablative and non-ablative laser. The results of this technique are more effective than non-ablative laser but less effective than ablative laser. It has less risk and recovery time is faster than ablative laser. This type of laser only targets the upper layer of the skin.

Is Laser Skin Whitening Permanent?

Laser skin whitening is a permanent procedure. Most dermatologists would agree on this fact but there are a couple of things that need to be done to make the procedure last for a longer time. Getting the procedure doesn’t mean that a person should stop caring for their skin after it. If the person does so, their old skin might return because it was their natural skin tone.

After the treatment, patients are advised to stay away from the sunlight. The sunlight will darken the patient’s skin pigments because the laser treatment doesn’t make the patient’s skin sunlight proof.


The laser skin whitening is considered to be a permanent procedure in almost every case but aftercare is necessary for permanent or long-lasting results. Without proper post-treatment care, you cannot achieve the desired results. At Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, you will find the best laser skin whitening treatment with excellent patient care. All of our doctors are well-qualified and experienced. You can contact us anytime to book an appointment for a consultation.