Large breasts look beautiful but only on women. Unfortunately, some men get excess fat accumulated in their chest area that causes breast enlargement. Gynecomastia Surgery or male breast reduction is an effective procedure to get rid of this condition.
Here, we will look at what gynecomastia is and how the surgical procedure can treat it.
What is gynecomastia?
It is a common condition in which glandular tissues of male breasts enlarge. Most males experience this condition in adult age due to hormonal changes, but sometimes, the condition is prolonged. Many men do not require any treatment for gynecomastia, but some of them do. This condition’s causes include hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, metabolic disorders, or side-effects of certain medications. If you think you are also one of them, you should undergo gynecomastia surgery.
What is gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery is a surgical procedure that reduces breast size, flattens them, and improves the chest contours. In some cases of gynecomastia, the skin also sags because of excess fat tissues’ weight. In this situation, the areolas are also resized and repositioned. Gynecomastia surgery is also known as reduction mammoplasty. The procedure can be done using various techniques that are explained below.
The liposuction technique is mostly used for the treatment of gynecomastia. Excess fatty tissues primarily cause gynecomastia, and liposuction is the best procedure for removing excess fat. During the procedure, small incisions are made through which tiny cannulas are inserted into the skin. The cannula’s back-and-forth movement breaks the fat, which is afterward removed using vacuum suction. The liposuction procedure can be performed using various techniques, and the advanced techniques are less invasive than the traditional liposuction methods. Laser liposuction and ultrasound liposuction are the latest techniques. These methods use ultrasound waves and laser energy to melt the fat which makes its removal easy.
Excision is actually the surgical technique in which incisions are made to remove excess fat and skin. This technique is effective for those gynecomastia patients who also have excess skin besides excess fat tissues. In this procedure, the nipple is also repositioned, and the size of the areola is reduced.
Combination of Liposuction and Excision
In some cases, the plastic surgeon uses both liposuction and excision techniques to reduce the size of breasts.
Recovery from Gynecomastia Surgery
Gynecomastia surgery is an invasive procedure, and therefore it requires time for recovery, but the results are highly effective if the procedure is performed correctly. The procedure’s complications can be avoided by selecting an experienced plastic surgeon and following his pre and post-surgical instructions. However, certain temporary side effects are common and can be resolved by using prescribed medications. These side effects include swelling and bruising.
If you are also one of the sufferers of gynecomastia and want to get rid of this condition, you should not delay booking an appointment at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. We have highly experienced plastic surgeons operating in the clinic who can help you get rid of gynecomastia. So, without any delay, schedule your appointment.