P-Shot Treatment in Dubai

P-Shot is a minimally invasive treatment aimed at enhancing erectile function. This procedure uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) extracted from your blood. While every man can benefit from P-Shot, this treatment may benefit individuals with erectile dysfunction related to diabetes, Peyronie’s disease, hypertension, or aging.

What is P-Shot?

During a P-Shot or Platelet enriched plasma penile infusion procedure, an andrologist takes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood and injects it into your penis. This treatment promotes tissue growth in the penis, potentially improving erectile function.

Generally, P-Shot in Dubai is a pain-free treatment to help improve sexual performance, especially in men suffering the loss of function due to aging or diseases.

Uses of P-Shot Treatment

The P-Shot, derived from PRP therapy, is used primarily for penile tissue rejuvenation The P-Shot Dubai explicitly addresses problems with the penis. Here is what P-Shot is used for:

Benefits of P-Shot Treatment

Benefits of P-Shot treatment may include the following:

  • Minor discomfort during the procedure.
  • Firmer, easy-to-achieve erections.
  • Increased length and girth of the penis.
  • Potential improvement in symptoms of Peyronie’s disease.
  • Enhanced sensation, potentially improving sexual experience.

How does it work?

According to Dr. Richard Gaines, the pioneer of the P-Shot, this treatment helps improve sexual function through:

  • Enhanced blood flow.
  • Tissue regeneration.
  • Stimulating the formation of new neural pathways.
  • Creating a placebo effect

Preparing for the Procedure

Because P-Shot treatment is a non-invasive procedure, you do not need to do anything specific in preparation. Nonetheless, you may need to get your blood tests done for an overall health check if you haven’t done them for some time. Remember, it is crucial to ensure that you have healthy blood, platelets, and plasma before the procedure.

P-Shot Procedure: What to Expect?

It is an outpatient procedure, allowing you to receive treatment and leave the clinic shortly thereafter. Since there is no required downtime after the P-Shot, you can resume your activities immediately following the procedure. However, you might want to take a day off if you do not want to be bothered by work worries during the process.

At Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, you will get to meet the best andrologists with unique expertise in P-Shot treatment. After arriving at our clinic, the doctor will ask you to lie down on a table to start the procedure. “Here’s what the procedure involves:

  • First, the doctor numbs the genital area with a topical cream or ointment and administers a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area.
  • Then, he will take blood from your arm.
  • The blood is centrifuged for several minutes to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from other components.
  • The doctor will then extract PRP into two syringes.
  • The doctor will inject this PRP into the penile shaft for men. For women, PRP can be injected into the clitoral and vaginal areas. This entire procedure uses 4-5 injections and concludes in a few minutes.
  • Lastly, the doctor provides a penis pump, if the injection is in the penile shaft, to enhance blood flow and optimize PRP distribution. This device draws blood into the penis, helping to distribute the injected PRP.

This procedure is generally safe and involves few side effects. Minor side effects, such as redness, swelling, and bruising, may occur but typically resolve within a few days. These side effects are part of the body’s natural response to injections and are generally not concerning.


Generally, P-Shot treatment for erectile function is followed by a relatively quick recovery. Hence, you can go ahead with your routine activities on the same day of treatment.

However, you should avoid sexual intercourse for a few days to prevent infection at the injection sites. Furthermore, you should limit intense physical activities for a few days to avoid irritation in the treatment area.

How much does P Shot cost in Dubai?

The cost of P-Shot treatment varies based on the condition’s severity, treatment goals, and the patient’s preferences. You can discuss the cost of P-Shot treatment in Dubai and other important details during the initial consultation.

P-Shot Treatment FAQs

How soon are the P-Shot results visible?

The results of P-Shot treatment can vary depending on various factors, including your overall health and sexual function. Some patients get instant results, while some have to wait for months to see improvements. Moreover, some people may need multiple treatment sessions to achieve a positive outcome.

Does P-Shot treat Peyronie's disease?

While the P-Shot helps treat erectile dysfunction caused by Peyronie's disease, this treatment is ineffective for penile plaque.

Are P-Shot Results permanent?

The short answer to this question is no, P-Shot doesn't provide a permanent fix for male sexual health problems. However, these results are longer lasting than those of other treatments. Overall, this treatment offers a year of improved sexual functions.

Schedule a Consultation

Do you want to revitalize your intimate life? The P-Shot can help you achieve this goal. Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic offers you this treatment from the hands of the most skilled andrologists. So book a consultation now to win a rejuvenated life experience.

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