Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which plaque (fibrous scar tissue) develops under the penile skin, resulting in curved, painful erections. The amount of curvature can vary from patient to patient. In severe cases, it can be up to 90 degrees. Typically, this disease can make it difficult or even impossible to have sex. The plaque formation can also contribute to a reduction in the penis size while erect.
Fortunately, several options exist for treating Peyronie’s disease. At Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, we perform detailed diagnoses to choose the most appropriate treatment option for you.
What are the Causes of Peyronie’s Disease?
Experts in the medical field believe that Peyronie’s disease is likely caused by trauma to the tunica albuginea, a protective sheath wrapped around the urethra and corpora cavernosa in the penis. The injury to this layer causes the formation of scar tissue, which later transforms into plaque. This causes the penis to bend in the direction of the side of the plaque.
The trauma leading to Peyronie’s disease may occur due to vigorous sex or sports-related accidents.
What Are the Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease?
The common signs of Peyronie’s disease include the following:
- A curve or bend in the penis
- A noticeable lump under the penile skin
- Painful erections and intercourse
- Deformity, such as shortening or narrowing of the penis
- Fewer and less firm erections, also known as Erectile Dysfunction
These symptoms can appear slowly or quickly, and their severity may vary from person to person. The pain associated with Payronie’s disease often subsides over time, but the curvature may persist.
What are the Stages of Peyronie’s Disease?
There are two stages of Peyronie’s disease: acute and chronic.
Acute Stage: This stage can last anywhere between six and twelve months. During this time, a scar develops under the penile skin, causing the penis to bend. You may also feel pain during erections or even when your penis is flaccid.
Chronic Stage: At this stage, the scar progression stops, and so does the worsening of the curvature. The pain usually goes away, but you may still experience painful erections. Many people develop erectile dysfunction during the chronic phase.
How is Peyronie’s Disease Diagnosed?
The diagnostic procedure to detect whether you have Peyrnoie’s disease almost always starts with a physical exam. During this exam, a practitioner attempts to locate the plaque or scar tissue. They may also measure the length of your penis to determine if the disorder has caused it to shorten.
Your practitioner may also recommend an ultrasound to analyze tissues under the penile skin thoroughly. Before testing, they may inject a solution into the penis to make it erect during the ultrasound.
What is the Best Treatment for Peyronie’s Disease?
Your practitioner will let you know about the best treatment for Peyronie’s disease after analyzing your symptoms and their severity. They may prescribe one or more of the following treatment options:
Your doctor may choose to inject medications into the scar tissue to break up its cells and improve Peyronie’s symptoms. They may apply a numbing solution beforehand to preemptively counter discomfort caused by needles. Options include:
- Collagenase clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex): These injections help treat moderate to severe penile curvature and are effective on the lumps that can be felt under the skin.
- Verapamil: This medicine may disrupt and prevent further formation of scar tissue. It may also reduce pain associated with the condition.
- Interferon: This medicine may stop fibrous tissue from forming. It may also alleviate the pain.
Mechanical Modeling
Mechanical modeling is not a standalone treatment for Peyronie’s disease. However, it can increase the effectiveness of other treatments, such as Xiaflex injections. It mainly involves penile stretching or modeling.
There are multiple ways to perform mechanical modeling of the penis, such as:
- Using a vacuum pump device for about 10 minutes twice a day
- Gently stretching the flaccid penis when you go to the toilet
- Penile self-modeling, i.e., trying to straighten the penis when it is erect
Surgery for Peyronie’s disease is usually recommended for patients who fail to respond to other treatments and have curvature for more than 12 months. The most common surgical methods include the following:
- Plication: This technique involves putting stitches on the longer, unaffected side of the penis to restrict its curvature during erections.
- Grafting: During this treatment, a surgeon makes an incision on the shorter side of the penis and places a graft, which is usually a tissue from a vein or small intestine. The aim is to match the length of both sides of the penis.
- Penile prosthesis: Your surgeon may place a penile implant to reduce curvature and facilitate erections.
What happens if Peyronie’s is not treated?
Leaving Peyronie’s disease untreated can lead to sexual dysfunction and emotional stress, which can adversely affect your intimate relationship with your partner.
Does Peyronie’s disease go away?
Although very rarely, Peyronie’s disease can go away on its own. According to an estimate, 13 out of 100 patients may experience the reversal of their condition without any treatment.
Can you treat Peyronie’s disease at home?
Exercise and massage may help, but they usually do not work alone to reduce Peyronie’s symptoms. When combined with clinical treatment, these practices may accelerate the condition’s severity.
Book a Consultation
Do you want to treat Peyronie’s disease to reclaim the charm of your intimate moments? Call us at +971 4 348 5575 to schedule an appointment. You can also book a consultation online by filling out the form below.