Lip Fillers Cost in Dubai

Home Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery Lip Fillers Cost in Dubai
Last updated on: January 30, 2024
Lip Fillers Cost in Dubai

The cost of lip filler starts from AED 1,500 per Syringe. Note that this is an average price for fillers and may vary from person to person. The cost of lip fillers depends on a variety of factors which is why it differs from patient to patient. Therefore, consult with an expert to know the exact cost.

Factors Affecting Lip Fillers Cost

There are numerous factors that influence the cost of lip fillers. Some of the most prominent ones are;

  • Types of fillers: The duration of their effects can vary, with some lasting for six months, others for a year, and some even up to two years. So, if you decide to go for a long-lasting filler, expect to pay a slightly higher amount. Moreover, there are synthetic and natural fillers too that can affect the overall cost.
  • Experience and skills of the surgeon: An experienced surgeon generally charges more than a less experienced one. However, paying more for an experienced surgeon can often lead to better quality treatment and potentially fewer complications.
  • The geographical location of your provider: The geographic location of your service provider also plays a key role in determining the cost of lip augmentation due to various factors like local market rates and clinic standards.

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